You also can find it next to Power Armor Station or your workshop.

“River attended countless meetings but not just to be poked, prodded, recorded and filmed as reference – her biggest job was just to BE with the team,” said Burgess. Fallout 4 lost Dogmeat: He can be at wasteland or Sanctuary Hills anywhere, so you have to check all the places until you find him, as a Dogmeat even cannot stay in one place, he also can roam around the settlement, so you have to check kennels again and again until you locate him. They researched professionally trained dogs, but eventually River began visiting the team in the studio. Often companions are there to support the player with extra firepower, but Burgess explains how, with Dogmeat, the team wanted “a companion first, and a combat ally second”. For Twitter, I thought it’d be appropriate to look back at her impact on that game,” he began. “Heartbroken doesn’t cover it, but I won’t eulogize her here. (plus, writing about game dev hurts less than grieving) /ayN1Vd6oqQ For twitter, I thought it'd be appropriate to look back at her impact on that game. Heartbroken doesn't cover it, but I won’t eulogize her here. I said goodbye today to River, who most of you know as Fallout 4’s Dogmeat. Joel Burgess, a developer on the game, shared a Twitter thread about River and how she inspired the game’s companion, which has since gone viral.